Addie is finally using a Sippee Cup; however, the only one she will use is not Spill=Proof and the other day she took the top off and handed the cup to me. As you will also see, Addie was eating REAL food. As her birthday approaches so does the fact that she will soon need to be dependent on table food instead of formula. This fact makes me very anxious because Addie loves her formula and does not eat much table food at all. I had Bible Study yesterday, and my friend, Bea, prayed that Addie would have an appetite. So, at dinner last night, Brad put several things on her tray and SHE ATE!! She ate broccoli, cheese, potatoes, crackers, and a bean!! It was an answer to prayer and a reminder that GOD is in control of everything and there is nothing too small to pray about. AND a reward for those reading this entire post...Addie took her FIRST step yesterday! She should be getting up and going by Christmas.